New results Paper Reach Survey

The new results of the Paper Reach Survey are in line with previous ones and confirm the impact of this touchpoint:

  • High reach: 76% of campaigns are actually read or consulted.  A very high level of attention for advertising content. 
  • Multiple contacts: with an average of 4 exposures per mailing, this media reinforces the interest it can create among its audience.
  • A long lifespan: 52% of them are still active after 1 week, a slightly rising figure (50% for previous waves).
  • An activating medium: 45% of campaigns generate a reaction.  In 28% of cases online, and in 27% offline.
  • Appreciated campaigns: 58% of campaigns generate positive feelings, and only 6% negative ones. 

You can consult all results via the online media tool This will enable you to carry out more detailed analyses according to the sectors or socio-demographic profiles you require.

The Paper Reach study is an initiative born of the need to gather solid, up-to-date and objective data for the Belgian market (agencies and advertisers) on consumer attitudes and behavior in relation to the letterbox, and more specifically in relation to addressed advertising mail (Paper Mail, also known as Direct Mail).  The aim of this study is twofold: to enable advertisers and agencies to estimate the impact of their Paper Mail campaigns, and to provide a reliable benchmark and recognized measurement system for the Paper Mail medium.

To achieve this, bpost has set up a task force made up of members of the ACC, UBA and UMA and bpost.  The study is being carried out by Profacts.  The results cover, over 8 waves between March 2022 and November 2023, the analysis of nearly 8,600 campaigns with a panel of 1,565 consumers. 



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