AG Insurance – Phil at Home campaign

Best practices

Post date

January 8, 2024


2021, Prospecting

Objective Campaign

Target audience – 45-65 /75+, Male/Female,
Higher and Mid social class, Owners, Postal codes selection


Strategy & Execution

1st DM was sent to the primary target audience (75+) explaining the service and convincing them to start using the tablet to demonstrate the advantage + offer a discount on the rental price.

2nd DM was sent to the secondary audience (45-65) to convince them of the advantages of the service for their parents. This mailing contained a promotion to increase the consideration.

3th Christmas DM at the end of the year was sent to the second audience proposing the Phil at Home service as a Christmas gift for their parents..

Reason best Practice

The campaign concept about ‘Good Resolution’ is already included in the envelope creative, this catches the attention of the recipient.

This is repeated on the card where the option ‘work with a tablet’ has been selected as a good resolution for 2021.

The usage of different colors on the card makes it easier to capture the advantages of working with the tablet.



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